I help women identify and eliminate limiting beliefs that stops them from thriving.

I strategically support women to set smart goals, clear achievable tasks  and offer support as an accountability coach to start, stay motivated, on track and achieve the goal.

Helping You Achieve Your Goals
Is My Mission.

As a woman, a life coach, and a certified practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), I understand how our mind works and what gets in the way of achieving our life goals. With my unique set of skills, tools, and passion, I can keep you accountable till your goals become reality.

10 steps video lessons

Success Strategy Minicourse

You can create the stairs to your success. This powerful minicourse can help you create a sure-fire strategy to create the life you want.

A subscription based Accountability group

Group Accountability Program

Struggling to execute your set goals? Our close-knit, follow-through, accountability program gives you the support to succeed.

Monthly strategy & Planning sessions

Live Goal-Setting Masterclass

Attend my monthly results-changing strategy masterclass to plan and execute your next level goals. 

About Me

Hello, I'm Coach Abie Sonia, Your Strategist and Accountability Coach

I am an integrative practitioner; a certified coach and a practitioner of NLP. I am on a mission to help 100,000 women achieve their goals with ease using a fail-proof strategy. I literally handhold you, providing the support you need to realise your goals to live a fulfilled life.

With my tested and reliable strategy and tools, you can achieve your goals with ease. Achieving goals does not have to be rocket science.

I can help you create your own success-plan strategy that is guaranteed to manifest your next level goals.

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5 Core Reasons Why You Find It Difficult To Achieve Your Goals

Your chances of success are higher when you discover the hidden reasons that stops you from achieving your goals. Download this freebie to find out.

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